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There are only two things you need to know about me: 1. I'm a strong believer of the butterfly effect. 2. I am [hopefully] the most random person you'll ever meet.... but I like it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

05. First Date Details

I looked at myself in the mirror. Aaron hadn’t said if we were going to a fancy place or a simple place. So I dressed for both.
In fact, Aaron hadn’t said anything to me since he asked me out. No calls, no texts, I hadn’t even seen him around school.
It was after my class today, that I finally heard from him. I got a random text from him asking me if were still ‘on’ for tonight.
I also replied nonchalantly. “Yeah, sure, I haven’t got any other plans.”
Now looking at myself in the mirror, it was obvious that this was all I could think about for ages. I was wearing a mini red corset dress with a thin black body hugging jacket and black stiletto heels with a silver anklet to match my silver bracelets and earrings.
My dirty blonde hair was tied into a crazy bun with side bangs, in case we were going somewhere fancy. And if we were going to a casual place, I would loosen the bun to let my hair fall to my shoulders. My full pink lips had a colorless gloss on, and I added extra blonde highlights to my bangs to accentuate my brown eyes. And I added a little bit of blush too.
I was keeping it simple but not so simple. I checked out my body in the full length mirror near Ally’s bed. My stomach was flat and my boobs were full and perky. My ass was no way close to Kim kardashian’s but I occasionally got whistles and compliments cause of it. I was proportionate and I was grateful.
I checked the text I had just received on my phone, it was from Aaron, “I’m at your door.” It said.
I took my time walking to the door, I didn’t want to appear desperate.  “What happened to knocking?” I asked as I opened the door.
“You look..wow…” he said.
I gestured for him to come in. “Is that a compliment?” I joked. “cause I’m not sure.”
“Yeah, it is. Where’s Allyson?” he asked looking around. 
“she’s studying with James.” I said. Truth was…..I kicked her out. I’m not proud of it, but hey, it was Aaron and she was, well, Allyson. “I’ll be right with you.” I said as he sat on the bed.
“so….” I started but trailed off. It’s not that I didn’t have what to say, I wanted him to look at me, waiting for me to complete my sentence.
 When he turned to me, I sat on the chair opposite him “did..you….” I said putting on lip gloss. I slowly applied it to my lips. I knew he wasn’t listening as he stared at my lips, so I strung along  a bunch of words that didn’t make sense to give him the impression I was actually pursuing a conversation.
“string…man…cheese….” I said, chuckling as he didn’t even notice what I was doing. I slowly licked my lips, “feather…teeth…so what do you think?” I asked snapping him away from staring at my lips.
“What do you think of my idea?” I asked, eager to hear his lie.
“Oh, I think it’s great, beauty and brains.” He said.
Guys!!! I thought, so pathetic.
I purposely-accidentally dropped my lip gloss on the floor so that he could get a good view of my cleavage as I bent over to pick it. It was a dirty trick. But I wanted him to think of me in that dirty way, all dinner long. And then when he drops me off after, he wouldn’t get any, not even a kiss. It’s a little game I play to keep the guys interested.
“Are you ready to go?” I asked.
“Definitely.” He said as he got up and opened the door for me.
“What a gentle man.” I said in a British accent before leaving my room.

It was a fancy restaurant. A four star French cuisine. Aaron had ordered the Escargots for appetizer while I ordered the spicy chicken soup. We were actually having a decent conversation. Decent? Who am I kidding? We were having fun.
“This is nice” Aaron said “we should have done this earlier.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when next I have allergies.”
He laughed...and then slowly reached for my hand across the table, and then smiled at me.
The night was everything I hoped it would be. So I smiled back.
“I didn’t think we were still going to have this date.” I said.
“Yeah, I know, I’m sorry, I should have called during the week…but I actually couldn’t.” he paused “Personal reasons.” She said
We were out on a date. we were talking about everything but somehow some things were still personal, okay…at least I know this date won’t turn into a relationship or else he would have the need to share. Even though it was a little bit.
“It's okay. I understand.” I said. I really wasn’t sure if my face actually fell visibly enough for Aaron to see. But I felt like crap. This was just a one-time-date. And crazy me had gotten my hopes up.
“I’m sorry Mel,” he said “It’s not really that personal…”
“It’s okay, you don’t have to explain. I honestly understand.” I smiled.
“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked.
“As long as it’s not personal.” I teased.
“It actually concerns you” he said “I’ve always….” He started when he got cut off by his phone ringing. “Excuse me.” he said when he looked at the caller ID and got up from the table.
Can someone say bad timing? Just when he was about to tell me that he always fancied me, or he always didn’t. I wonder what he was about to say. What if he wanted to marry me……a little far fetched? Yeah, I know. Bullocks.
More importantly, did I just use “fancied” and “bullocks” in the same train of thought? Wow, Jamie must really be rubbing off on me.
I saw Aaron standing near the receptionist’s table, it looked like he was excited…or panicked…or…I don’t know, I couldn’t tell with the distance between us.
I reached for one of the contents in Aaron’s plate with my fork, and took a bite.  It tasted really good…so I reached for another.
“Stealing my food?” Aaron said coming up to the table.
“I can explain…..I was actually just curious. I’ve never had one of these, I was never bold enough to try it, but Jamie and Allyson have.” I said as he sat done. “Want some of mine.” I said as I pushed my bowl of soup towards him.
He looked down at my bowl, “You’ve barely eaten anything.”
“Yeah I have, but you can’t notice cause you were here with time the whole time, trust me the waiter would see the difference.”
“Well, I would love to but I can’t. I have to go.”
I paused in shock. “Like now, like right now?” I asked. I’ve never been deserted on a date. EVER. Much more, during appetizers.
“Yeah Mel, its-“
“Personal, I know.”
“Actually, I was going to say it’s important.”
“Then you should hurry.” I said.
“Thanks.” he said as he got up from the table. “Use this.” He said as he dropped his credit card on the table. He obviously meant I should use the credit card to pay for dinner but what if I went shopping on his credit card now…I wonder if he’ll notice.
He was halfway to the door when he returned. “My sister is having a baby.” He said “Her husband is out of town and my parents are at least an hour away, I’m the nearest family she has, and I have to be there.”  he said.
That was actually important and I thought he was just blowing me off. “Then what are you still doing here? You should be with her.”
“You’re so understanding.” He said. He walked over to my side of the table and planted a light peck on my lips. “Thanks.” He said and started walking away again. Then he stopped and returned to the table again.
“Would you like to come with me?” he asked. 
“What?” I asked.
“Would you like to come with me to the hospital cause I don’t think I can do this alone.”
This was a big deal, a really big deal. But why would he ask me to join him? Wasn’t it meant to be, um, ….personal???

to be continued......

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